Scribbly Gums Art

This is our art blog because we thought it was about time to put our artwork onto a separate place!! It is where the bush and creativity meet.

There are two other blogs I regularly update which may be of interest to you also ..... Please come and say hi!!

Tattered Inspirations
(Mixed Media Blog)

A Taste of Honey
(ScrapBooking and Info Blog)

Scribbly Gums Art is named after our property 'Scribbly Gums' which is on the Lower Boro Road between Bungendore and Braidwood.

This blog is an ongoing celebration of those things and
will display Phil and my passions - art, painting, sculpture, mosaics, pottery, photography, mixed media and iron.....

Come and enjoy the art ..... and leave a comment - we would love to hear from you!

Carol & Phil Mead

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Welcome to Scribbly Gums Art

Hi everyone and welcome to our olf friends and new to our new blog!

We will post some photos today... when we have a bit of time!

Carol & Phil

1 comment:

Sonya said...

You are such an amazing artist! I admire your work, both painting and scrapping.