Scribbly Gums Art

This is our art blog because we thought it was about time to put our artwork onto a separate place!! It is where the bush and creativity meet.

There are two other blogs I regularly update which may be of interest to you also ..... Please come and say hi!!

Tattered Inspirations
(Mixed Media Blog)

A Taste of Honey
(ScrapBooking and Info Blog)

Scribbly Gums Art is named after our property 'Scribbly Gums' which is on the Lower Boro Road between Bungendore and Braidwood.

This blog is an ongoing celebration of those things and
will display Phil and my passions - art, painting, sculpture, mosaics, pottery, photography, mixed media and iron.....

Come and enjoy the art ..... and leave a comment - we would love to hear from you!

Carol & Phil Mead

Friday, May 30, 2008

Porcelain Vessels

I love throwing with different clays and one of my favourite clays is porcelain. In this case I have gone all out and thrown in Southern Ice which is one of hte most expensive clays at around $35 a bag.

With porcelain you have ot be so fussy to cleanliness as it tends to pick up all sorts of grit and I find it drys pretty quickly so you need to watch it and ensure that you turn it at just the right time.

But even with its issues it is like butter to through, I love the way it fires so white and pure and leach green glaze (which I have used here) seems to be made for it!

As you can see by these pots they look carved........ what I have done is used shellack and metholated spirits to paint on a design on a raw pot before a bisque firing, and then when it is dried on the pot wiped away the clay from around the design with a damp/dry sponge.

The tricks of the technique seem to be
  • Dont use an overly damp sponge
  • Make sure the shellack and metho mix is thick enough (or use two coats)

When the piece is fired the shellack burns off and leaves the raised clay underneath. In the rose pot the effect with a candle inside is stunning.

Thanks for looking - I hope you have enjoyed it

1 comment:

Narelle said...

Oh wow Carol! Your pottery is amazing!!

I just love the japanese transfers (and yes I did think you had painted them!) but I think my absolute favourite is that stunning rose pot with the candle inside!! Just stunning!

Thanks so much for sharing your art work. You are a very very talented lady!

