Scribbly Gums Art

This is our art blog because we thought it was about time to put our artwork onto a separate place!! It is where the bush and creativity meet.

There are two other blogs I regularly update which may be of interest to you also ..... Please come and say hi!!

Tattered Inspirations
(Mixed Media Blog)

A Taste of Honey
(ScrapBooking and Info Blog)

Scribbly Gums Art is named after our property 'Scribbly Gums' which is on the Lower Boro Road between Bungendore and Braidwood.

This blog is an ongoing celebration of those things and
will display Phil and my passions - art, painting, sculpture, mosaics, pottery, photography, mixed media and iron.....

Come and enjoy the art ..... and leave a comment - we would love to hear from you!

Carol & Phil Mead

Friday, May 9, 2008

A trip to Cairns

We visited Cairns last week and it was wonderful - warm, sunny and great tropical flowers!!!! So I got out my paints and off I went....

Please forgive me that I don't know some of the names of these flowers but they were so wonderful I had to do the paintings anyway....everything is so lush and gorgeous up there in tropical Australia - I had such a wonderful time - and I ran out of paper - all in all I did 8 paintings but I could have done more there were so many flowers.

Bouganvilia Vine


Pink bush - we thought it looked a bit like a pointsettia... the leaves make up the coloured bracts and the flower is the tiny bud at the top.

Purple vine which was growing through the trees


We visited the Cairns Botanical Gardens on Thursday and found that the gingers and heleconias were awesome - such amazing plants. We will go again next year and then I am taking double the paper I took this year.


Please note that all paintings are copyright and you are welcome to look but please do not print or copy. I will be setting up a website soon so people can purchase original paintings, prints or cards...... this will link into that new website.

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