Scribbly Gums Art

This is our art blog because we thought it was about time to put our artwork onto a separate place!! It is where the bush and creativity meet.

There are two other blogs I regularly update which may be of interest to you also ..... Please come and say hi!!

Tattered Inspirations
(Mixed Media Blog)

A Taste of Honey
(ScrapBooking and Info Blog)

Scribbly Gums Art is named after our property 'Scribbly Gums' which is on the Lower Boro Road between Bungendore and Braidwood.

This blog is an ongoing celebration of those things and
will display Phil and my passions - art, painting, sculpture, mosaics, pottery, photography, mixed media and iron.....

Come and enjoy the art ..... and leave a comment - we would love to hear from you!

Carol & Phil Mead

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Pink Ladies

Here are three watercolours that I have completed today - obviously it is a pink day!!!!! There are fairly limited flowers around here at the moment and they all happened to be in shades of pink.... All my paintings are please look and enjoy, but do not copy....thanks!!

New Guinea Impatients from our courtyard..... and it is very true of the colours

The beautiful fushias on our balcony - they remind me of ballerinas

The day lillies I bought in a bunch of flowers yesterday

I am quite excited and Lisa from the LSBS would like to purchase some paintings for her parents for Christmas - like me they seem to like the Australian plants. I have been asked before if I sell my paintings but now I feel a bit more confident to do so..... Thanks Lisa

Happy painting everyone.... for more paintings look under the watercolour section on the left.


1 comment:

Deanne Stewart-Mills said...


Love this blog Carol!!!!!

Have to put a subscribe button so I know when you update!!
